Monday, August 16, 2010

Leadership Tip #1 - Your Team & You

Today's tip is centering around your team and you. What are you without your team?


In this case, the whole is truly greater than the sum of its parts.

But how you communicate with them will help dictate how your team functions.

Tip for today - 8-16-10:

Remember your team is made up of PEOPLE. Just like you, they have outside forces that will occasionally impede on their ability to function as an effective team member. Before you provide feedback on performance, take a moment to ascertain (within HR reason) if something is happening outside your office doors that is having a direct effect on their ability to work. You'd be amazed how much harder for you they will perform if you work with them during tough times.

Until next time,

Welcome to my Communication blog!

Hello everyone!

Welcome to my blog that will provide insight into Communication for Leaders. You might be asking, "Am I a leader if I have no direct reports?"

Yes, you are!

Everyone is a leader in some portion of their lives. Some lead teams within companies, some lead companies, some lead families, some lead friends and some lead groups. There are many many more types of leaders, but I think you get the picture.

There will be weekly updates to this blog (sometimes more often) where I will provide tips for effective communication and ideas to think about as a leader.

If you would like any additional information about these posts, or how to have me speak to your group, office, or company about communication or anything related to Leadership, Communication or Motivation, please contact me at: and I would be happy to discuss options with you.

Thank you for stopping by and I hope to "hear" from you soon!